Glen Eden
Intermediate School

School Health Centre

At Glen Eden Intermediate school we have a Health Centre (HC) which administers basic First Aid and student medication prescribed by a doctor. Our Health Centre is staffed by a Trained First Aid Officer. We do not have any qualified nurses or doctors on site.

Any Injuries or illnesses that require a diagnosis and assessment need to be referred to your Family General Practitioner (GP) or Accident and Emergency Staff/Hospital Staff.

Injuries occurring outside of school-after school hours and over weekends-need to be attended to and assessed at the time of injury, by qualified medical practitioners. Out Of School Injuries, i.e. Concussion injuries; fractures etc. Parents/Caregivers -Need to advise HC staff of any such injuries that may affect a student returning to school. The HC can record these details, refer to these details, should your child present to the HC for assistance or care.

It is important that parents/caregivers keep contact details, particularly mobile contact phone numbers up to date with the school office as at times the HC needs to contact parents if their child has had an accident or illness at school. If a message has been left for you to do so please contact the HC as soon as possible directly for further information.

Medications at School:

All medication outside of those medications stipulated on the School Enrolment Form, need to be authorised in writing by the Parent/Caregiver of the student concerned and this written permission must be provided to the Health Centre: Reason Medication being taken. Name of Medication. Dosage To Be Taken. Time To Be Taken. Permission Form - signed by Parent.

Medication: Should not be held in students’ school bags - unless the Health Centre is made aware of this medication's necessity to remain with the student and a teacher is also aware these medications are in their students’ possession. No medication should be held in school lunch boxes and students are not to offer or share any such medication(s) sent from home with any other student within the school.

Medications dispensed by the HC including ritalin, rubifen, concerta or other medications for ADHD or similar conditions that need to be taken through the school day: Students need to be reminded as to when their medication is to be taken at school, i.e. 12 noon/1pm. Medication supplies - need to be available for the HC to deliver to the student concerned - when they present/arrive to take their tablets-daily. Any changes to these medications: information: Medication; time; dosage must be supplied to the Health Centre.

Head Lice:

Head Lice are a continual problem within schools. Please, where possible, encourage your child to tie up long hair whilst they are at school, to help prevent the spread of Head Lice. If a Head Lice has been reported in a classroom, the HC will issue information letters to parents to inform them.

Asthma and Allergies-Hay Fever:

As we move into different Seasons- Asthma and Allergies are experienced whilst at school- by those students, who have been diagnosed with these issues. Information regarding a student’s care, if they have, either Asthma or Allergies, should be provided to the Health Centre, in full, so we can follow the Care Plan Parents submit. Please ensure Asthma students have their Inhalers available to them at school. We have a rigorous PE/Fitness programme and it is wise for Asthmatic students to take their inhalers along with them, should they be participating in these activities. Term 4 is dominated by Athletic activities, which could possibly trigger an Asthmatic reaction-being prepared is the key.

The Importance of: Eating and drinking (hydrating) at School:

Glen Eden Intermediate School has three break times where students can and should be eating and drinking in order to set themselves up for their next classroom session, or PE/Fitness session. To avoid blood sugar levels dropping; dehydration- we request you supply your child with the food and fluids they will need to get them through their school day. GEIS is a big school, students cover quite some distance, moving between classes, outside of fitness and PE lessons. They need the fuel to keep their growing bodies going.


Please ensure that your child's Emergency Medication is provided to the school/brought to school when your child is attending an EOTC event.

Communications Centre

What’s on at GEIS

  • 31 / Mar
    HPV Round 1 Catch Ups - Year 8's -Auditorium
    Monday, 31st March, 9:00am - 12:00pm
  • 02 / Apr
    Auckland Champs Swimming (St Cuthberts)
    Wednesday, 2nd April
  • 02 / Apr
    Production Auditions Block 3 and 4 - Auditorium
    Wednesday, 2nd April, 11:30am - 3:00pm
  • 03 / Apr
    Rock Band Rehearsals
    Thursday, 3rd April, 10:15am - 1:00pm
  • 04 / Apr
    ASB Polyfest
    Friday, 4th April

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Facilities available at GEIS

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