Glen Eden
Intermediate School


"No words can describe our sincere gratitude for your hospitality and generosity for our little girl, Hana. Thank you for being such perfect hosts to her. You have made her feel right at home and amazingly happy beyond our expectations, thank you Keri, Dave, Grace and Will. " Quote from Thai parents.

"At first, I was afraid of being away from my parents. My biggest concern was living with a homestay family. When I arrived in Auckland however, I realized that my worries were unnecessary. I loved the clean nature of New Zealand. I think I was a lot healthier by the time I returned to Korea. I was especially touched by my homestay family’s caring nature. They truly accepted me as a member of their family. That’s why even though I missed my parents in Korea, I was not sad at all. Now that I look back, the various activities on Saturdays and afterschool reading classes were also very meaningful. They all reside in my mind as great memories." 뉴질랜드로 가는 것을 결정햇을때만 해도 부모님과 헤어지는 것도 싫었고 낯선 환경에 적응할 수 있을지에 대한 두려움이 앞섰다. 또한 홈스테이 가족들과 잘 어울리지 못하면 어떡하지 라는 생각도 했다. 그러나 도착하여 보니 그런 걱정은 괜한 것이었다는 생각이 들었다. 우리나라 완전히 다르게 자연환경이 정말 깨끗하여 건강 상태도 좋아졌고 홈스테이 가족이 나를 진짜 가족처럼 대해주었다. 물론 부모님이 그리운 적도 있었지만 크게 슬프진 않았다. 토요일마다 했던 다양한 활동과 방과후에 리딩스타 친구들과 공부를 했고 숙제는 힘들었지만 그 역시도 모두 즐거운 추억으로 남아있다. (조예성, 2017년 참여자)

"They were great and played very good role of NZ Mum and Dad." โฮมสเตย์ดูแลเด็กเสมือนเป็นพ่อแม่แท้ๆที่นิวซีแลนด์

Homestays are carefully inspected, arranged and closely monitored by Lesley King, Director of International Students. Lesley visits and police vets the hosts prior to student arrival. We ensure our GEIS families meet all the necessary requirements for a successful and positive living experience for our International Students. Students in a homestay situation become part of their Kiwi family and experience the New Zealand Way of Life.

Homestay families provide 3 meals per day, arrange transport to and from school and will involve students in weekend activities.

Homestay Families treat students as one of their own and always provide a safe physical and emotional environment - “A home away from home.”

Please read, complete and sign the International Student Accommodation Agreement if your child will be living in a school approved homestay. Completion of GEIS Homestay Questionnaire and Student Profile enables us to match an International Student with the best possible homestay family.

GEIS Homestay Questionnaire.pdf

GEIS International Student Profile.pdf

Living with a Designated Caregiver:

Please read and sign the Designated Caregiver agreement if your child will be living with a designated caregiver while enrolled at GEIS. This must be someone who is personally known to the student and/or parent(s) as a relative or close friend and meets the other requirements of the Act and the Code.

Living with a Parent: We welcome International students to study at GEIS while living with one or both parents.

Becoming a homestay:

"Our family has thoroughly enjoyed the opportunities we have had to host students. Our time with students has been very memorable, sometimes challenging but very rewarding. We had such fun adventuring with our students, sharing our country and culture and in turn, we learned a lot about the cultures of our students. Being a host family was the highlight of our year and we highly recommend the experience." Rowllings Family

Hosting an overseas student can be a rewarding experience for you and your family. Your student should join in all family activities/outings and you will all benefit from learning about another culture.

You are required to be Police vetted, provide 3 meals per day, transport to and from school and to treat your student as if they were your own. Your student will need the same love and care that you would like your child to receive in similar circumstances in another country.

You will need to provide a safe, positive and healthy environment for your student that complies with the NZQA 2019 Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students.


If you are interested in being considered as a homestay family for GEIS please contact the Deputy Principal:


You will need to have read the ‘Homestay Guidelines for Host Families

Guidelines for Hosting International Students booklet.pdf

And complete the ‘Application to be a Residential Caregiver for GEIS.

Application to be residential caregiver forms (1).pdf

Communications Centre

What’s on at GEIS

  • 12 / Mar
    Production Auditions Block 3 and 4 - Auditorium
    Wednesday, 12th March, 11:30am - 3:00pm
  • 13 / Mar
    Rock Band Rehearsals
    Thursday, 13th March, 10:15am - 1:00pm
  • 18 / Mar
    WZ Tag ~ Moire Park, Massey
    Tuesday, 18th March
  • 19 / Mar
    Class Photos
    Wednesday, 19th March
  • 19 / Mar
    Production Auditions Block 3 and 4 - Auditorium
    Wednesday, 19th March, 11:30am - 3:00pm

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Facilities available at GEIS

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