Glen Eden
Intermediate School


GEIS has been a signatory to the NZ Code of Practice since 2002. We have been fortunate to have so many wonderful International Students attend our school and we delight in following their progress as they further their studies in New Zealand or abroad.

We have also been privileged to have a number of siblings attend and experience what GEIS has to offer.

Prim Earsukul - GEIS student 2009 May 2020 - As I have been given my first opportunity to study abroad, I went to Glen Eden Intermediate School when I was only 13 years old. The school community provided a safe and supportive environment for me to grow into a brave and mature individual. I was truly impressed by the New Zealand education system as well as their friendly culture.

It was supposed to be a one month English summer course, but I asked my parents for a much longer extension. I did not doubt my decision because of the great experience I had. Mrs. King was like my second family and had always been my biggest supporter throughout my time in New Zealand. By listening to her ideas and guidance, my perception of life has changed for the better. Coming to GEIS was the best decision, which laid a proper foundation for me to move forward.

After finishing year eight at this school, I went to St. Cuthbert’s College and later got accepted into the University of Auckland for a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce. Following graduation, I decided to pursue my career in digital marketing before applying to a Master’s Degree in Data Science at Monash University. I am currently finishing up this degree with great enthusiasm to use all the knowledge I have gained in my future career. I always feel thankful for all the experiences at GEIS, the significant path to all my current achievements.

เนื่องจากหนูมีโอกาสได้ไปเรียนต่างประเทศเป็นครั้งแรกตอนอายุ 13 ปี เลยได้เข้าเรียนที่ Glen Eden Intermediate School ซึ่งเป็นโรงเรียนที่มีสภาพแวดล้อมดีและปลอดภัยมากๆค่ะ คุณครูให้การสนับสนุนนักเรียนอย่างเต็มที่ ได้มีโอกาสเรียนรู้และเติบโตเป็นผู้ใหญ่มากยิ่งขึ้น รู้สึกประทับใจในระบบการศึกษาของประเทศนิวซีแลนด์และความน่ารักและเป็นมิตรของทุกๆคน

ตอนแรกจะไปเรียนภาษาอังกฤษเป็นเวลาหนึ่งเดือน แต่ด้วยประสบการณ์ดีๆที่ได้มา ก็เลยขอคุณพ่อคุณแม่อยู่ต่อ ช่วงเวลาที่อยู่ประเทศนิวซีแลนด์ Mrs. King เป็นเหมือนครอบครัวของหนู คอยช่วยเหลือ ให้กำลังใจ และให้คำปรึกษาในทุกๆเรื่อง การได้รับฟังแนวทางความคิดของ Mrs. King ทำให้หนูได้ปรับทัศนคติและปรับตัวกับการใช้ชีวิตที่นั่นได้อย่างดีขึ้น ประสบการณ์จาก GEIS ช่วยปูพื้นฐานอย่างดีให้หนูก้าวไปข้างหน้า

หลังจากเรียนจบจากที่นี่ก็ได้ไปเรียนต่อมัธยมศึกษาที่โรงเรียน St. Cuthbert’s College และได้รับเข้าเรียนปริญญาตรีที่ The University of Auckland คณะบริหารธุรกิจ พอเรียนจบก็ได้ไปทำงานด้าน Digital Marketing และออกมาเรียนปริญญาโทด้าน Data Science อยู่ที่ Monash University ในตอนนี้ หนูรู้สึกขอบคุณ GEIS เสมอสำหรับประสบการณ์ที่มีค่า และเป็นส่วนสำคัญที่ทำให้หนูได้มีวันนี้ค่ะ

Moon Jihyun (Gloria) - attended GEIS in 2011 and 2012
"The reason why I was able to study abroad with no big difficulties or problems was because of Glen Eden Intermediate School’s buddy system and the continuous support of the international student team. The buddy programme started on my first day of school and provided me with a buddy friend each year. I was able to fit in the class well with the help of my buddy friends and received an abundance of help for myself-who had no idea of the lifestyle in New Zealand. I also received a lot of support from the international student team who checked my English ability regularly and managed how well I was fitting in with the school. Thanks to all of them, I didn’t have much difficulty with my school life at GEIS. On account of the various experiences I had during my study abroad, I spent a school life clearly different from most Korean students and had been provided with a better quality of experience. I returned to South Korea with a superior English ability, and because I spent my two years in New Zealand with so much pleasure, I carried on with my study and life in South Korea with more effort and happy memories. Currently I am studying National Statistics at Korea University, Sejong Campus. National Statistics usually researches big data and various parts of big data are English. I will keep growing towards the data scientist that I am dreaming of, using the many experiences and English ability that I hold. " 내가 유학생활 중에도 큰 어려움 없이 지낼 수 있었던 것은 글랜이든만의 버디 프로그램과 지속적인 인터내셔널 학생 팀의 지원 덕분이라고 생각한다. 버디 프로그램은 처음 온 날부터 진행되었는데 학년이 바뀌고 반이 바뀔 때마다 버디(친구 겸 도우미)를 붙여주는 프로그램이었다. 버디들 덕분에 반에 잘 적응 할수 있었고 그 당시 외국 학교 생활방식에 대해 아무것도 모르던 나는 많은 도움을 받을 수 있었다. 인터네셔널 학생 팀의 지원 또한 많은 도움을 주었는데, 지속적인 영어 능력에 대한 진단 및 체크를 받을 수 있었고, 외국 학교에 어느정도 적응하고 있는지에 대한 관리를 받을 수 있었다. 이러한 꾸준한 관리로 학교생활에 있어서 어려움은 없었고 그것에 대해 정말 감사하게 생각한다. 이런 다양한 경험을 통해 유학을 갔다 온 뒤 저는 기존의 한국학생들과는 확연히 초등학교 생활을 보냈고, 양질의 다양한 경험을 할 수 있었습니다. 유학을 마치고 한국에 복귀할 때에 나의 영어 실력은 월등한 상태로 올라갔고, 2년을 너무 행복하게 보냈기 때문에 유학이후에는 그 행복했던 기억으로 열심히 더 잘 살았던 것 같다. 나는 현재 고려대학교 세종캠퍼스에서 국가통계학 을 공부하고 있다. 통계학과는 주로 빅데이터를 연구하게 되는데, 빅데이터 연구를 위한 다양한 도구들이 영어로 되어있다. 앞으로 난 내가 가지고 있는 다양한 경험들과 영어능력으로 내가 꿈꾸는 데이터 사이언티스트 로 성장해나갈 것이다.

Yae Sung (TOM) Cho (participant of 2017) At first, I was afraid of being away from my parents. My biggest concern was living with a homestay family. When I arrived in Auckland however, I realized that my worries were unnecessary. I loved the clean nature of New Zealand. I think I was a lot healthier by the time I returned to Korea. I was especially touched by my homestay family’s caring nature. They truly accepted me as a member of their family. That’s why even though I missed my parents in Korea, I was not sad at all. Now that I look back, the various activities on Saturdays and afterschool reading classes were also very meaningful. They all reside in my mind as great memories.
뉴질랜드로 가는 것을 결정햇을때만 해도 부모님과 헤어지는 것도 싫었고 낯선 환경에 적응할 수 있을지에 대한 두려움이 앞섰다. 또한 홈스테이 가족들과 잘 어울리지 못하면 어떡하지 라는 생각도 했다. 그러나 도착하여 보니 그런 걱정은 괜한 것이었다는 생각이 들었다. 우리나라 완전히 다르게 자연환경이 정말 깨끗하여 건강 상태도 좋아졌고 홈스테이 가족이 나를 진짜 가족처럼 대해주었다. 물론 부모님이 그리운 적도 있었지만 크게 슬프진 않았다. 토요일마다 했던 다양한 활동과 방과후에 리딩스타 친구들과 공부를 했고 숙제는 힘들었지만 그 역시도 모두 즐거운 추억으로 남아있다. (조예성, 2017년 참여자)

Moon Soohyun (Sarah) attended GEIS 2012
"Glen Eden Intermediate School is a great school which has left me with uncountable special memories. In South Korea when a new term begins, we start with introducing ourselves. In that process, New Zealand cannot be left out, and it was GEIS that made a significant role to make New Zealand a country that is left bold in my memories. GEIS was my place for learning and the bridge for me to get closer with NZ culture. At Glen Eden Intermediate School, I learnt the way of learning and thinking in NZ and developed into an open-minded thinker by aspects which could not be learnt in the straight forward learning style followed in South Korea. Thanks to GEIS, when I went back to South Korea my proficiency in English was recognized and because I had a strong base in my English ability, I was able to concentrate more on other important subjects in my middle and high school study. I also could maintain high grades and got into Chung-Ang University in South Korea studying Computer Graphics." 글랜이든 학교는 나에게 잊을 수 없는 큰 추억을 남겨준 훌륭한 학교이다. 한국에서는 학기가 새로 시작되거나 새로운 곳에 갔을 때 대부분 자기소개를 한다. 그 과정에서 New Zealand 내용이 빠질 수 없다. 그만큼 나에게 기억이 많이 남는 나라로 자리잡게 해준 것은 글랜이든 학교가 큰 역할을 한 것 같다. 글랜이든 학교는 나에게 학습의 장소였고 뉴질랜드의 문화를 가까이 접하게 해주는 중간자 역할을 해주었다. 나는 글랜이든 학교의 학습과정을 통해서 뉴질랜드의 정서를 배웠고 그로 인해 한국의 주입식 교육에서는 배울 수 없는 정서를 가져 좀 더open mind 를 가지는 학생이 되었다 글랜이든에 감사한 마음이다. 한국에 돌아갔을때, 영어 학습과정을 통해서 한국에서는 영어 구사능력이 높다고 인정받았고 기본적인 영어능력을 통해 중학교는 물론 고등학교에서도 영어보다 다른 과목에 집중할 수 있었다. 그로 인해 높은 성적을 유지할 수 있었고 영어가 기본이 되어 중앙대학교에 입학하여 컴퓨터 그래픽을 전공하고 있다.

Li Qianqian (Nicole) - 2019 February 22nd 2019, following Nicole's study at GEIS, we received this message from her parents; "After just two weeks of study, Nicole experienced different teaching modes, felt the encouragement and help from teachers, and felt enthusiasm and friendship from classmates. This wonderful experience will become a wonderful memory. Below is what I appreciate with my friends in WeChat circle. Friends around me think that the education here is very suitable for children's physiological characteristics. For your school thumbs up. Thank you for everything. Best regards Shenying."

Paterinya Diswat Pat studied at GEIS in 2013 and 2014 and continued her High School studies at Auckland Girls' Grammar School where she achieved many accolades. Pat is now attending Auckland University and studying Architecture.

The Kim Family: We have been lucky to have all three of the 'Kim' family attend GEIS for 1 year's study and homestay - Kim Hyun Joon (Juni) 2009, Kim Hyun Soo (Eddy) 2012 and Kim Dan Bi (Kate) 2014

December 2014, Mr Jinhwan Kim wrote; "I thanks to you and GEIS. GEIS's life is very good experience to my children. (Juni, Eddy, Kate) I never expected my three children go to GEIS. Juni & Eddy missed GEIS sometimes. Kate will miss too. December 2015; "They always miss GEIS life and they have confidence in using English. They had good experience in living with foreign people. It will be very helpful in their life. They all said that it was best period in their life very much. To my family, New Zealand is home to heart."

Amy Bulbon 2009 Amy attended our school in 2009 and continued her High School studies in NZ. Amy then returned to Thailand and graduated
with a Bachelor of Business Administration from Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand.

Charan (Win) Pattanasidniseree with 3 of our All Blacks taken in 2011

Yehbonne Bien - 2007 Year 8 student who returned to visit in 2011

Communications Centre

What’s on at GEIS

  • 31 / Mar
    HPV Round 1 Catch Ups - Year 8's -Auditorium
    Monday, 31st March, 9:00am - 12:00pm
  • 02 / Apr
    Auckland Champs Swimming (St Cuthberts)
    Wednesday, 2nd April
  • 02 / Apr
    Production Auditions Block 3 and 4 - Auditorium
    Wednesday, 2nd April, 11:30am - 3:00pm
  • 03 / Apr
    Rock Band Rehearsals
    Thursday, 3rd April, 10:15am - 1:00pm
  • 04 / Apr
    ASB Polyfest
    Friday, 4th April

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Facilities available at GEIS

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